Senin, 12 Oktober 2009

INILAH.COM, Jakarta -
Keterangan Endang S
Taurina tentang
Manohara, ternyata
berbuntut panjang.
Ibunda Manohara Odelia
Pinot, Daisy Fajarina
menuduhnya mencari
keuntungan. Tentang
itu, Endang berpikir
sebaliknya. Apa yang ia
katakan adalah
menyampaikan berita
"Apa yang saya lihat
memang tak direkayasa.
Tidak ada untungnya buat
saya. Saya tak bisa
memberikan informasi

lebih. Di sini saya cuma
berusaha membantu.
Yang saya sampaikan
adalah memberitahukan
kebahagian bukan
sebaliknya," jelas Endang S
Taurina, kepada
INILAH.COM, saat ditemui
di City Walk Sudirman,
Jalan Dr. Satrio, Jakarta
Pusat, Minggu (24/5)
Endang sebenarnya
mengharapkan informasi
yang ia ketahui dan ia
sampaikan tentang
Manohara Odelia Pinot
bisa menenangkan hati
dan pikiran Daisy Fajarina.
Bukannya malah jadi
dituduh mencari
keuntungan dari Kasus
Lebih dari itu, Endang
berharap pertemuan
antara Manohara dan
Daisy bisa terjadi.
"Apa yang saya sampaikan
mungkin bisa bermanfaat
bagi ibu Manohara, ibu
Daisy. Yang saya
sayangkan, sudah banyak
usahanya ibu Daisy, tapi
belum berhasil. Saya yakin
pasti banyak jalan
keluarnya. Saya
mengharapkan masalah
ini selesai dan mereka bisa
bertemu," papar Endang
terseyum penuh harap.
Sikap dan tindakan
Endang terhadap
Manohara dan keluarga,
sama sekali tak memiliki
kepentingan apa pun.
Apalagi ini menyangkut
kasus keluarga. Mengingat
Endang bertemu
Manohara, karena
kebetulan diundang untuk
"Jujur itu masalah internal
keluarga, jadi saya tak
mau ikut campur. Biar pun
sebenarnya saya ingin
sekali membantu. Saat itu,
yang pasti saya hanya
menyanyi dan tak ada
kepentingan lain.
Beberapa hari setelah
bertemu itu, baru berita
tentang kasus Manohara
keluar," aku Endang.[aji]

Jangan percaya kalau ada
orang yang bilang meraih
sukses dan itu
dilakukannya seorang diri.
Sukses tidak terjadi di
ruang hampa. Sukses
memerlukan kerja sama
dan bantuan orang lain.
Sukses terjadi akibat
persinggungan dan
persentuhan kita dengan
pihak lain.
Banyak contoh
menunjukkan beberapa
raksasa di industry
internet atau dunia
komputer lahir dari
sebuah kerjasama. Sebagai
contoh Larry Page dan
Sergey Brin, co-founder
Google termasuk di
antaranya. Mereka
bekerjasama membangun
Google sejak 1995. Larry
yang waktu itu berusia 22
tahun dan Sergey setahun
lebih muda, bertemu di
Universitas Stanford.
Diawali dengan
pembuatan search engine
bernama BackRub,
kolaborasi Larry dan
Sergey, sukses menarik
dukungan dari Andy
Bechtolsheim, pendiri Sun
Microsystem, yang
menyuntikkan dana
senilai 100 ribu dolar AS.
Kemudian disusul Michael
Moritz (Sequa Capital) dan
Jhon Doer (Kleiner
Perkins), investor dari
Silicon Valley, yang
memberikan modal senilai
12,5 juta dolar AS.
Kemudian Eric E. Schdimt
masuk pada 2001
menambah kekuatan
Google. Pada 2004,
mereka sukses membawa
Google ke lantai bursa

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

Aplikasi Pencari data di Ponsel T9 NAV

Kalau kita punya ponsel dengan beragam aplikasi tentu kita ingin praktis dan otomatis dalam mencari data di dalam ponsel. Misalnya anda ingin mencari daftar games, musik, video atau gambar secara mudah anda harus menginstal aplikasi T9 NAV.

Kelebihan aplikasi ini adalah dapat menemukan segala yang anda cari mulai dari lagu, alamat website, isi kalender, fungsi-fungsi yang ada di ponsel, daftar kontak atau apapun yang ada di dalam ponsel.

Cukup dengan mengetikkan karakter yang di maksud, Anda bisa menemukan dan menjalankannya seketika. Mau tau bagaimana penggunaanya? Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.

Langkah pemakian
1. Aplikasi versi Beta ini telah diuji coba pada N71, N73, N76, N80, N93, N95, 5500 sport, 5700, 6120 Classic. Versi Beta ini dapat anda gunakan hingga 31 oktober 2008. Untuk mendapatkannya Anda harus
mendowloadnya di

2. Selanjutnya file hasil download di transfer ke ponsel menggunakan konetifitas yang tersedia (bluetooth, infrared atau kabel data). Begitu file berhasil di transfer maka notifikasi akan tampil. Pilih bahasa yang Anda inginkan (tersedia bahasa Inggris, Perancis, Jermbn, Spanyol dan Italia. Selanjutnya pilih 'Ya'.

3. Aplikasi dalam posisi aktif menampilkan isi ponsel mulai dari daftar kontak, pengaturan, file media, bookmark, aplikasi, daftar kalender dan kata kunci. Klik 'pilihan' > 'settings'> enable.

4. Buka 'pilihan' > 'tutorial' > klik tengah. Maka aplikasi akan menjelaskan apa saja kemampuan dan bagaimana menjalankan aplikasi ini. Tersedia pilihan 'Play All' untuk memainkan semua penjelasan fitur yang tersedia. Atau arahkan pada icon yang tersedia bila Anda ingin melihat salah satu dari pilihan yang ada.
Bila Anda memilih 'Play All', maka aplikasi akan menjelaskan layaknya semua tontonan film. Untuk menghentikannya cukup dengan mengklik tombol kanan atas.

5. Aplikasi ini menyediakan fasilitas pencarian fitur pada ponsel, bagaimana mengakses sebuah fitur dan menjalankan aplikasi ketika pencarian sedang berlangsung.

6. Menjalankan aplikasi ini cukup dengan mengklik tombol menu agak lama untuk menampilkan aplikasi yang sedang berjalan pada ponsel > pilhh t9nav > ketikkan salah satu keypad. Misalnya angka tujuh. Maka pada layar akan tampil pilihan yang berkaitan dengan angka 7 dan huruf pqrs.

7. Bila yang dicari terlihat, Anda cukup menggeser joystick ke atas atau ke bawah sesuai dengan yang di cari. Pada layar akan terlihat icon t9 disertai angka. Itu menunjukkan terdapat 55 kemungkinan yang tersedia. Sedangkan gambar orang menunjukkan daftar kontak yang berhubungan dengan yang sedang dicari.

Namun bila yang dicari tidak ada, Anda dapat melanjutkannya dengan mengetikkan angka yang lainnya. Misalnya angka 5. Maka akan terlihat pilihan yang berkaitan dengan angka lima dan huruf jkl. Begitu seterusnya.

Misalnya Anda mencari kamus, maka arahkan joystick ke 'kamus' > klik tengah joystick maka aplikasi kamus akan terbuka langsung. Jadi, aplikasi ini bisa bertindak seperti jalan pintas.

8. Bila Anda ingin mencari hal yang lain lagi, maka Anda harus kembali ke langkah 6. Begitu seterusnya. Tetapi jangan lupa untuk menutup aplikasi yang sudah terbuka bila sudah tidak dipergunakan. Bila tidak maka aplikasi akan menumpuk dan membuat pemakian baterai menjadi lebih boros.

Selasa, 22 September 2009

Cara Merawat Harddisk Komputer

Komputer merupakan barang yang harus di jaga perawatannya, sebagai barang yang membantu pekerjaan kita juga merawat secara extra agar kondisi komputer kita tetap terjaga. Salah satu yang yang mendapat perawatan maximum adalah tempat penyimpanan data harddisk.

Harddisk merupakan media penyimpanan yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk menyimpan data yang besar dan sangat dibutuhkan untuk menyimpan data-data penting yang kita simpan.
Berikut perawatan kepada harddisk:
perawatan terhadap terbagi menjadi 2, yaitu:
- Perawatan secara Fisik, contohnya adalah kita menjaga harddisk dari panas berlebihan, dapat merusak harddisk dan menyebabkan umur harddisk menjadi lebih cepat rusak.

- Perawatan Software, perawatan ini yang digunakan adalah dengan scandisk dan defrag.
Scandisk adalah untuk menghindari dari bad sektor defrag adalah proses penyusunan data-data yang ada pada harddisk. Selain itu juga jangan terlalu sering menginstal komputer atau memformat drive karena itu juga dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada harddisk.

Walaupun sudah ada software-software yang bisa mengembalikan data data yang sudah terhapus, tapi alangkah baiknya kalau kita dari awal telah mencegahnya terlebih dahulu sehingga hal demikian tidak akan terjadi..seperti kata pepatah, sedia payung sebelum hujan..

Cara cara yang kita lakukan untuk mencegahnya adalah dengan melakukan perawatan pada harddisk..adapun caranya berikut ini:

1. Usahakan untuk selalu melakukan backup data yang penting.

2. Gunakan scandisk untuk mengecek apakah ada batsector di dalam harddisk.

3. Selalu lakukan Defragment 2 minggu sekali agar data data di dalam harddisk selalu tersusun rapi.

4. Gunakan software pihak ketiga untuk membersihkan unk file, duplikat file, dan recycle byn..anda bisa menggunakan System Cleaner.

5. Jangan terlalu sering mencabut dan memasang kembali harddisk ke dalam CPU.. Karena Harddisk sangat sensitif. Jika terkena goncangan, maka data data didalam harddisk terancam hilang.

6. Jangan menyimpan data terlampau banyak. Maksudnya jangan sampai free harddisk sampai tinggal beberapa kylobyte..tapi berilah ruang sedikit agar harddisk tidak terlalu sesak setidaknya sisakan sekitar 20 MB. apabila anda menggunakan OS Windows biasanya akan muncul warning jika harddisk kita terlampau penuh.

7. Uninstall program-program yang tidak berguna agar tidak memberatkan harddisk.

8. Pakailah UPS atau Stavolt..Gunanya jika kita menggunakan UPS adalah apabila sewaktu kita sedang menggunakan komputer tiba-tiba listrik padam, komputer tidak akan langsung mati. Jadi kita bisa menyimpan dult data baru dimatikan. Komputer yang tiba-tiba mati tanpa di shutdown terlebih dahulu akan membuat harddisk cepat rusak.

9. Ventilasi yang cukup..jangan meletakkan CPU ditempat yang terlalu sesak atau sempit..karena bisa membuat udara tidak bisa keluar sehingga menyebabkan harddisk menjadi cepat panas. Jadi sebaiknya pilih CPU yang memiliki banyak kipas dan tempatkan ditempat yang agak luas..

Demikian beberapa tip agar komponen vital komputer tetap tahan lama dan tidak mudah rusak, dan harddisk akan terawat dengan baik sehingga data-data penting yang ada di dalamnya tidak hilang.

Senin, 14 September 2009

The Spread of Influenza Viruses Infection

This viruses can be transmitted through air or contact with food, drink, and touch. However, this viruses will die in high temperatures. Therefore, meat eggs, and animals should be thoroughly cooked to avoid infection. Personal hygiene should be maintained pule by washing hands with antiseptic, to avoid the viruses.

Avian influenza is an infection caused by avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. These influenza viruses occur naturally among birds. Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in their intestines, but usually do not get sick from them. However, avian influenza is very contagious among birds and can make some domesticated birds, including chickens, ducks, and turkeys, very sick and kill them.

Infected birds shed influenza virus in their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. Susceptible birds become infected when they have contact with contamined secretions or excretions or with from infected birds. Domesticated birds may become infected with avian influenza virus through direct contact with infected waterfowl or other infected poultry, or through contact with surfaces (such as dirt or cages) or materials (such as water or feed) that have been contamined with the virus.

Infection with avian influenza viruses in domestic poultry causes two main forms of disease that are distinguished by low and high extremes of virulence. The a€celow pathogenica€ from may go undected and usually causes only mild symptoms (such as ruffled feathers and a drop in egg production). However, the highly pathogenic from spreads more rapidly through flock of poultry. This form may cause disease that affects multiple internal organs and has a mortality rate that can reach 90-100% often within 48 hours.

Human infection with avian influenza viruses

There are many different subtypes of type A influenza viruses. These subtypes differ because of changes in certain proteins on the surface of the influenza A virus (hemagglutinin [HA] and neuraminidase [NA] proteins). There are 16 known HA subtypes of influenze A viruses. Many different combinations of HA and NA proteins are possible. Each combination represent a different subtypes. All known subtypes of influenza A viruses can be found in birds.

Usually, a€ceavian influenza virusa€ refers to influenza A viruses found chiefly in birds, but infections with these viruses can occur in humans. The risk from avian influenza is generally low to most people, because the viruses do not usually infect humans. However, confirmed cases of human infection from several subtypes of avian influenza infection have been reported since 1997. Most cases of avian influenza infection in humans have resulted from contact with infected poultry (e.g., domesticated chicken, ducks, and turkeys) or surfaces contamined with secretion/excretions from infected birds. The spread of avian influenza viruses from one ill person to another has been reported very rarely, and transmission has not been observed to continue beyond one person.

a€ceHuman influenza virusa€ usually refers to those subtypes that spread widely among humans. There are only three known A subtypes of influenza viruses (H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2) currently circulating among humans. It is likely that some genetic parts of current human influenza A viruses came from birds originally. Influenza A viruses are constantly changing, and they might adapt over time to infect and spread among humans.

Rabu, 09 September 2009

Known Types of Email

During this course, you already know the type of email Service, namely POP mail, email forwarding and web-based email. Each type of these emails have certain advantages POP Mail, Email This is the same type of email and received from your ISP (for those of you who connect the internet from home or office).

Determining which features of email are the most important for your business or company will allow you to make a much more informed decision when it comes to choosing a service provider for your email needs.
Here is a look at some of the most important features that your email service provider should offer in order for your company to benefit.

- Quality Virus and Spam Filtering. Because as much as 95% of the email floating around is junk mail or spam, having a quality filter to protect againts spam and virus-laden email is vitally important for your business. Your email service provider should have experience handling potential threats and solid filter for removing them.

- Web mail, POP and IMAP Access. Reputable email service providers will offer all three of the most common methods of accesing email, which are POP access, IMAP access and Web mail access.

- Technical Support Live - If your employees need to be able to speak to a real person for the purpose of technical support, then working with an email service provider that offers live support is vitally important.

- Email forwarding. Email forwarders can be used to send email to another account for an original account. Email forwarders should be capable of being set up for common misspellings of names, for generic departmental emails and if an employee leaves the company and would like to have their email messages forwarded to a new account for example.

- Email Groups. Email groups are collections of user accounts that receive email messages from common email accounts. Email groups can be used to send department wide announcements, to send support emails and to reach out to groups of employees working on special projects.

- Domain Mirrors. Domain mirrors are designed to be set up so that they automatically sync emails with matching user names even when the domain names are different. In other words, and can be mirrored to one another. This
will allow you to use domain names that have different websites and also to make use of common misspellings for a primary domain.

- There are important features for your emails but It is important to know for our experience in technology of the internet.

Kamis, 03 September 2009

Get Started Creating Professional Website

Growth of internet users with rapid, almost all the necessary information is now available on the internet. Ranging from educational nature of information to the news information. The need for society to higher and higher internet must also be balanced with a website that can provide the required information, make your website must be prepared properly and professionally to produce a quality website.

If you are in a place where you want to get more out of your website and if you want to present a more professional front to the people that you work with, you'll find that one of the most valuable things that you can do is to invest in getting a dedicated hosting server that is right for you.

This is something that can help you get the most out of your website, and at the end of the day, you'll find that there are many advantages. Not only will
you be able to have more freedom with what the amount of bandwidth that you can work with, you'll also find that this gives you a great deal more credibility when it comes to the face that you present to your customers.

When you are looking into choosing the right server hardware, though, you may find that you are at something of a loss. There are plenty of horror stories out there about bad scripts, bad codes and overload, and you of course want to make sure that you avoid them at all costs! However, you'll find that if you start off with a good foundation, that is, if you choose hardware that is going to put your site and your web interface where it needs to be, you'll find that you are going to be fine.

The first thing that you shoukd keep in mind when you are looking to get server hardware that is right for you is that you need to think about the processor that you need. Your choice of processor will be largely based around the amount of memory that you need, how large the hard drive is, and what kind of firewall options you need to think about.
This can be a highly individual issue, and at the end of the day, you will find that the more research you do into figuring out what kind of processor you need, the better off you are going to be.

There is a lot to be said about what brand of processor you should buy, and it seems like everyone has an opinion. Many people will state that a Pentium 4 processor will perform better than Celeron if there are many powerful applications being held. Pentium has a larger cache, but you will also find that Xeons and AMA can be quite powerful as well.

Second, consider your hard disk. Remember that if you are purchasing a hard disk for your server that sooner or later, it will fail if it fails sooner rather than later, you could be in some serious trouble, so make sure that you have second hard disk available for backups.

This is why many companies decide that they want to look into offsite backup, which can give them a lot of safety when it comes to making sure that they will not lose too much information in the case of catastrophic failure.

Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Bagaimana Memelihara Hewan Piaraan Yang Baik

Anda mungkin salah satu orang pecinta hewan pelirahaan, sekedar untuk menyalurkan hoby untuk memelihara Burung, Kelinci, Kera Anjing ataupun kucing, bagi pecinta binatang kadang harus rela membayar mahal sekedar untuk membeli binatang piarahaan atau untuk memberi pakan tiap hari.

Bebera Tip untuk memilih hewan peliharaan dan cara yang baik dalam memelihara binatang peliharaan akan saya paparkan, yang merupakan cara yang efektif dalam menyalurkan kesukaan dengan binatang kesukaan anda.

Tidak ada yang lebih baik dari memilih langsung hewan peliharaan anda. Ketika memilih atau mengadopsi binatang piaraan, anda harus meyakinkan diri anda bahwa ini merupakan pilihan seumur hidup bagi binatang piaraan anda.

Jangan memilih dan mengadopsi binatang piaraan hanya karena trend atau keinginan tiba-tiba. Binatang peliharaan tersebut, kemudian akan menjadi terlantar dan mati. Sangat tidak benar, jika hewan peiaraan anda mati dengan mudah anda akan kembali membeli lagi dan lagi. Karenanya, berpikir matang dan rajinlah mencari informasi tentang apa pun yang ingin anda pelihara.

Karakter binatang lebih penting dibandingkan ukuran. Jangan lupa jika dirumah sudah memiliki binatang peliharaan lain, pikirkan untuk mempertemukannya dengan peliharaan anda yang baru.

Ini bisa membutuhkan waktu. Dan sekali lagi, YA, Binatang memiliki sifat karakter yang spesifik! Jadi jangan lupa bertanya dan mencari informasi tentang hewan pilihan anda. Sesuaikan juga dengan gaya dan selera hidup anda.

Pastikan bahwa binatang yang akan dipelihara bukan binatang buas dan bebas dari penyakit. Bawalah binatang tersebut ke dokter hewan untuk memastikan tidak mengandung virus atau parasit.

Ajari anak untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan binatang peliharaannya, termasuk menentukan tempat dimana binatang tersebut membuang kotoran, makan dan sebagainya.

Mintalah anak untuk memberi sendiri makan dan minum binatang kesayangannya. Tegaskan bahwa inilah konsekuensi bila ingin memelihara binatang.

Tekankan pada anak bahwa binatang hanya jembatan bagi mereka untuk dapat lebih baik lagi bersosiliasi dengan orang lain.

Jika anak berminat memelihara tikus-tikus lucu seperti hamster, marmut dan tupai yakinkan kebersihan hewan-hewan ini terjaga karena hewan-hewan ini sangat rentan pada penyakit (Bernadette).

Belilah di toko hewan yang sekarang sudah lumayan maju biasanya kita membeli dengan cara mendatangi toko hewan.

Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

Sales of E-commerce in the Internet

Growing online business is very good from time to time, ayone can have with the internet market in the world the internet media business will be very knowledgeable in the business of any kind.

The increase in power selling e-commerce will be a positive side internet business, the development of the retail market more competitive will income in the online trading business.

There is no question that over time, ecommerce sales have continued to rise as more and more people turn to the internet for their shopping. it's much easier to take a quick commute to your computer, sure the net for a short while, and purchase what you are looking for than it is to go out to a store for the same thing. Because of this, the future of ecommerce sales is looking bright.

The online market is growing at a level far above that of the retail market, which is making anyone with the need to make money turn to the internet.

The problem is you aren't the only one in the world with the idea to start an online business. With millions of people turning to the internet to try and strike gold with ecommerce sales, the competition has become ever so high online.

Anyone can start up an online business with the plan of making a large income.

However, because the competition is so steep, people don't realize the effort that is required to make it in the internet business. If you have aspirations of becoming another statistic of someone successfully starting up a business online, you have to be willing to put in the effort to reach out to the public.

Without a doubt, the statistics are in favor of those going into ecommerce sales.

In the fourth quarter of 20005, US retail ecomerce sales totaled $26.5 billion. That was an increase of 27.5% just from the third quarter of 2005. So as you can see, more and more people are shopping online creting the possibility for success in an online business.

With the high competition online, it is essetial that you have two thing to make it in ecommerce sales; a well thought out plan and a quality marketing campaign.
If you create a website without planning out who your target market is, how you will advertise, and how you can keep in contact with customer, you are setting yourslef up for failure.

The more in-depth your plan is to begin with, the better your chances will be of succeding.
There is nobody saying you have to stick with your plan throughout your business's existence but it will help you develop into a money-making site.

The marketing campaign is the same way. If nobody knows about your business, how do you expect to make money? The more thought out your marketing campaign is, the better chance you have of generating a higher
traffic volume.

Despite the high competition in the internet industry, the future of ecommerce sales is bright.

As more and more people turn to the internet for their shopping, the availability and need for more online businesses will continue to increase throughout time.

Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

Health care workers againts

Employees of a company's health is something that should be in the note, by all parties, the management company must also participate in the cost for the employee if the current sick. Concern for employees of the company will improve the performance of employees, so health workers need to be conscious that the company can maintain the business.

Increasing evidence supports the need for workplace wellness programs and more companies than ever are implementing health and wellness strategies to reduce injuries, halth care costs and long-term disability.

With additional benefits such as reduced absenteeism, higher productivity, reduced use of health care benefits and increased morale and loyalty, its not surprising more and more employers are choosing to implement workplace wellness programs within their companies.

Preventable illness makes up approximately 80% of the burden of illnesses and 90% of all health care costs. Employers are beginning to realize they can take advantage of this statistic and work to provide service to decrease the occurence of those
preventable diseases.

Despite the United States spending more on health cara than any other industrialized nation in the world, it remains the unhealthiest. With increased research and data on workplace wellness programs, it is becoming apparent there are very real benefits to implementing workplace wellness programs.

Did you know employee wellness is considered a potential high return on investment for employers due to rising health care costs? In fact, research now suggests employers get an average of $3.48 back in reduced health care cost and $5.82 in lower absenteeism cost for every dollar spent on employee wellness. Employers who live more healthy lifestyles have reduced sick leave, improved work performance, decrease health insurance costs, increased productifity and reduced overall costs.

There are many real benefits to worplace wellness programs. There is increasing evidence to support implementing of programs in all types of companies and businesses, big or small.

The wellness proposals website is designed to provide you with different types of informatim on workplace wellness programs...from statistics to benefits, even resource toolkits to help get you started on your own program! If you are a small employer who already has a workplace wellness program in place, then I'm sure you'll find many useful items to enhance your existing workplace wellness program!

Escalating health care costs continue to remain an issue of great concern for many health professionals, employers and insurance companis. While the United States spends more on health care than any other industrialized nation in the world, its citizens are not the healthiest, in many respects.

Employees with more risk factors, including being overweight, smooking and having diabetes not only cost more insure, they also pay more for health care than individuals with less risk factors.

Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

Sukses menjadi seorang penulis

Buat anda yang hoby menulis dan mempunyai kreativitas tinggi dalam membuat karya artikel, ada peluang untuk bisa mendapat penghasilan lewat keahlian tersebut baik menjadi cerpenis dan mendapat royalti dari penerbit atau lewat internet menjadi publisher menekuni bisnis online.

Barangkali anda yang masih awam merasa mustahil mendapat materi lewat karya lewat menulis, tapi faktanya tak sedikit orang yang meraup puluhan sampai ratusan juta rupiah, menjadi seorang novelis, mungkin masih jauh mengikuti jejak mereka yang sudah master dan profesional, tapi bagi yang pemula bisa mencoba-coba membuat artikel misalnya dan kalau dimuat di koran atau tabloid akan dapat royalti.

Bayangkan. Apabila berhasil menggelitik decak kagum redaktur media massa, karya seorang cerpenis dihargai dengan bayaran cukup besar. Sebuah cerpen mendapat harga antara Rp 100 ribu hingga Rp 500 apabila berhasil dimuat pada media massa. "jumlah besar kecilnya bayaran sangat tergantung pada media mana yang di tuju," kata Asma Nadia, penulis cerpen kawakan.

Reward (penghargaan) seorang penulis cerpen tak cukup sampai disitu. Sang cerpenis dapat pula memanjangkan tulisan tulisan cerita menjadi sebuah cerita bersambung yang di terbitkan secara berkala.

Bayaran untuk ini lebih besar lagi. "bila lolos dari penilain redaksi, cerita bersambung biasanya diterbitkan dalam 20 episode," ujar Asma. "Setiap episode, cerpenis akan mendapatkan bayaran sebesar Rp 200 ribu".

Bayaran seorang penulis cerpen memang cukup besar. Namun demikian, menjadi cerpenis handal tidak gampang. Ada dua jalur yang dapat ditapaki seseorang yang ingin merajut karier sebagai cerpenis. Pertama, seseorang dapat merintis profesi penulis cerpen melalui jenjang pendidikan resmi, yakni melalui kuliah di fakultas sastra.

Kedua, dia dapat belajar menulis cerpen secara otodidak."Dan bagusnya, dua cara itu mesti ditempuh sehingga bisa dipadankan antara teori dan pengalaman,"tutur Asma.

Banyak penulis cerita yang sukses lihat saja Andrea Hirata yang sukses dengan novel Laskar Pelangi, dimana dia bisa mendapat royalti hingga menembus angka satu milyar untuk novel yang baru saja ceritanya diangkat ke layar lebar itu. Atau, sebut saja Habiburahman El shirazy yang berhasil mendulang rupiah lewat novel Ayat-ayat cinta yang fenomenal hingga mencapai 1,2 miliar. Keduanya memulainya dengan menulis.

Itu baru di indonesia, di mancanegara bahkan sudah ratusan atau mungkin ribuan orang yang sukses dalam bidang penulisan. Satt di antaranya adalah J.K. Rowling, sang pencipta tokoh potter yang kini memiliki kekayaan senilai 560 juta pound.

Nama-nama diatas telah membuktikan bahwa profesi menjadi penulis sebenarnya cukup menjanjikan. Terlebih dengan perkembangan dunia perbukuan akhir-akhir ini yang menggembirakan, di mana banyak buku-buku asli karya penulis dalam negeri laris manis bak kacang goreng.

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

Cara ampuh untuk meningkatkan traffic pengunjung blog

Kalau anda punya
situs blog yang rutin anda update pasti anda ingin banyak pengunjung membaca serial artikel postingan anda, sebab buat apa kita sering buat artikel berkualitas tapi sedikit yang mengunjungi blog kita, maka di samping kita berusaha menaikkan pagerank blog kita dengan harapan pengunjung blog datang lewat search engine, kita juga lakukan berbagai cara untuk meningkatkan visitors.

Banyak cara untuk meningkatkan trafik pengunjung ke web, antara lain lewat promosi iklan berbayar atau yang gratisan comen blog lain dan meninggalkan alamat situs, atau memberikan sesuatu dengan gratisan kepada pengunjung misalnya Mp3 gratis, template gratis, upload gambar dan sebagainya tujuannya supaya blog ramai di kunjungi.

Tip agar blog banyak
di kunjungi antara lain:

> Desain blog yang bagus, adalah hal yang sangat penting jika anda ingin menciptakan kesan pertama yang baik. Dengan jumlah jutaan blog di luar sana, Anda pasti perlu sesuatu hal yang bisa membuat blog anda menarik.

Salah satunya ya melalui desain yang bagus tadi. Pelajari cara membuat desain yang bagus. Informasinya banyak bertebaran di internet.

> Link ke blog lain, buatlah link dari blog anda ke blog lain, baik blog yang sudah 'besar' (terkenal) maupun yang masih 'kecil', dan lihat feedbacknya!

Anda akan 'terkejut' bagaimana blog-blog dari luar akan membuat link juga ke blog anda. Selain akan membawa traffic, hal ini tidak akan merugikan peringkat blog anda di google.

> Berinteraksi dengan pembaca, berinteraksilah dengan pembaca yang meninggalkan komentar terhadap posting di blog anda. Ini akan membuat pembaca anda akan merasa 'diperhatikan secara khusus' sehingga akan balik dan balik lagi mengunjuni blog anda.

> Kalau anda rajin mengirim email ke surat pembaca media cetak, gunakan alamat email yang berakhiran domain blog anda. Dengan semakin sering blog anda muncul, bisa jadi para media cetak tersebut akan langsung berselancar di blog anda. Kalau bisa gunakan kata-kata email anda pada surat pembaca untuk menginformasikan pembaca membuka blog anda, bahwa ada sesuatu yang berguna disana.

> Tidak ada salahnya untuk mendaftarkan blog anda dalam media jaringan periklanan online gratis. Yang saya maksud bukan iklan baris. Bentuknya mirip dengan Adwords milik google, tapi media ini tidak berbayar alias gratis. Salah satunya Kita diperbolehkan memasang iklan tentang blog kita pada situs orang lain dengan persyaratan kita juga mau memasang iklan orang lain pada blog kita.

Demikian resep-resep yang akan membuat pengguna akan ramai mengunjungi situs anda.

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009

How search engines work

Search engine site that always take place on the register have been provided. Thus, you should see the first place determited by the search engine is. Part of the search engines have three important component.

First is also called a spider or a crawler on. Element spider to access the website, read its contents, and then follow the link on the site. Element access this web site periodically one or two months to see if there is a change from the site.

Index is the second element of the search engine. Index is often called a similiar catalog of a book that contains copies of every site you visit in the spider element. If you find a spider element changes from a web, the information from a web site that is the catalog as soon as possible by refining the search engine.

There are three main parts to every search engine:
-web interface


A spider crawls the web. it follows links and scans web pages. all search engines have periods of deep crawl and quick crawl. during a deep crawl, the spider follows all links it can find and scans web pages in their entirety.

During a quick crawl, the spider does not follow all links and may not scan pages in their entirety.

The job of the spider is to discover new pages and to colleck copies of those pages, which are then analyzed in the index.


Pages that are considered important get crawled frequently. for example, the new york times may be crawled every hour or so to put new stories in the index.

Less authoritative sites with less PR are crawled less frequently, even as rarely as rarely as once a month. the crawl rate depends directly on link popularity and domain authority.

If many links point to a website. it may be an important site, so it makes sense to crawl it more often than a site with fewer links. this is also a money-saving issue.

If search engines were to crawl all sites at an equal rate, it would take more time overall and cost more as a result.


Spiders may check for duplicate content before passing page copy to the index, in order to keep the index clean (or at least cleaner).

Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Effective communication twitter

Twitter customers have millions of people. The popular artist like ashton kuscher, oprah winfrey, paris hilton also subcribed to twitte. Average each day and dozens of posts all inportant information from their lives as artists.

Twitter has become a significant social networking site than facebook for example. And very influential for social life, culture and politics in world.

Amount from year to year continue to increase, twitter is the type of communication is simple. Twitter easier for you to communicate.


Twitter is essentially a continuous conversation that takes place online between millions of people. Imagine the insights you could gain if you were able to record and search through everyone's conversations.

Of course, it's a lot less creepy than that but that's the kind of tool twitter is becoming as more and more people take part and share parts of their lives.

Twitter search is the ultimate social media platfrom and will enable people to get the opinions of others and add context to relevant information. Searchers don't just want facts. The want to learn more about the experiences of real people the can relate to.

For example, rather than doing a search in google for "bes restaurants in new york" and getting a bunch of review sites, you can do a search on twitter to see which restaurants people are talking about in new york.

If you don't like results, you can easily ask your network and get personalized answers in real time-which will then show up in future searches on the same topic.

Campare that to google. They've been unsuccessful thus far in implementing social factors into tge search results via search Wiki.

If you do a search in google and can't find what you're looking for?, what are you going to do? Probably as around on twitter.


With millions of new web pages springing up every day on the internet, who has the time or attention span to read through it all? We need filters, and that's what twitter provides in 140 characters or less.

Twitter is great for searching for quick information and even if you're looking for long articles, there are plenty of people who post links to relevant pages they like.


In this day and age, nobody wants to wait for anything. We live in a society where we get everything fast and can't stand for anything else.

The same applies to information and news. Until recently, we had to wait for journalists to write up reports and publish the online. Google would the index the pages and show the in the search results, but not after at least a couple of hours. Good, but not good enough.

Twitter displays real time streams of news and information. There's no need to wait, and short of actually being there to experience the events, it's the next best thing. Twitter has beem a great tool for people to broadcast new live from their laptops and mobile phones.

Senin, 06 Juli 2009

Search for hotels in New York City

If you want to go to new york city you may want to have, holiday, school, or have other needs that, if some day live in new york city you can book a hotels in new york.

Undecided hotel that the appropriate standard price, if you have enough money you can book a five star hotel which is very promising in the ministry.

New york city is the world's most popular all facilities in the city. There can even to this city with a tourism destination with your family, many recreational places that can be visit. To find a good hotel undecited created for you or your family.

In order to find the greatest rooms at the best prices, start planning your trip well in advance of your actual departure. Create a travel itinerary to determine which attractions you will visit and map out these locations.

Once you have an idea about where you will be spending much of your time, you can begin looking for hotels located in or around that area.

If you plan on roaming throughout new york city, you might opt for a hotel in a central location. In other situations, you might prefer a hotel locatel near one of the city's three major airports.

Whatever you choose to do during your New york city travel, always book your rooms as soon as possible in order to avoid inflated rates or possble overbooking.

During big events, many new york city hotels fill up quickly, which can make it difficult to find rooms in sought after locations.

If you're used to scoring bargain rates on hotels, prepare yourself to pay a bit more on this trip. While room rates are typically higher than other areas of the country, there are still deals to be found.
Start by comparing prices online, and then call each hotel to learn about any special deals or discounts that they may offer.

In some cases, purchasing a travel package that includes a flight to New York city, hotel accommodations and other perks can significantly reduce the overall costs of your New York City adventure.

From new york restaurants to new york night life, the city is jam-packed with amazing experiences designed to suit single travelers, couples and families alike.

Wheter you're planning a brief stay or an extended visit, there are plenty of great hotels that offer fantastic amenities, gorgeous views and convenient locations.

Kamis, 02 Juli 2009

Penahanan tersangka antasari azhar di perpanjang PN Jaksel

Kasus kriminal pembunuhan atas nasrudin zulkarnain makin panjang setelah tersangka yang juga ketua KPK antasari azhar, penahanannya di perpanjang oleh pengadilan jakarta selatan.

Namun kejaksaan belum memastikan apakah antasari akan di sidang di pengadilan jakarta selatan.

Menurut jaksa agung muda pidana umum (jampidum) abdul hakim ritonga penanda tangan perpanjangan penahanan tersangka antasari telah di lakukan oleh wakil kepala pengadilan negeri jakarta selatan syahrial siddik.

Perpanjangan penahanan berlaku untuk 30 hari mulai 3 juli sampai 1 agustus. tapi Jampidum ritonga belum mengetahui apakah antasari akan di sidangkan di PN jaksel."belum tahu",kata ritonga.

Selain antasari, terdapat delapan tersangka lainnya dalam kasus kriminal tersebut. Tersangka lainnya adalah pengusaha media,sigid haryo wibisono, perwira POL wiliardi wizar.

Selain mereka ada hendrikus kia walen alias hendrik dan fransiskus tadon alias keran.

Berkas lain yang di limpahkan kembali, yakni atas nama tersangka eduendus ndopo alias edo, heri santoso dan daniel daen.

Kedelapan tersangka lain sudah di limpahkan berkasnya oleh penyidik polisi kejaksaan agung.

Berkas tersangka antasari azhar pun siap di limpahkan ini, "minggu inilah dilimpahkan, kalau tidak rabu,kamis,jumat",ujar direktur reserse kriminal umum polda metro komisaris besar muhammad iriawan kepada wartawan kemarin.

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009


Debat calon presiden RI telah usai beberapa waktu yang lalu yang disiarkan secara live oleh tv swasta. Debat sebagai bagian dari formalitas untuk menjalankan undang-undang no. 42 tahun 2008 tentang debat calon presiden.

Undang-undang pemilihan umum calon presiden dan wakil presiden ini mengharuskan capres dan cawapres melakukan debat terbuka.

Dalam aturan debat, masing-masing kandidat dibolehkan adu argumentasi atau mempertanyakan visi dan misi capres/cawapres lain.

Ketika debat tampak calon presiden susilo bambang yudhoyono membenarkan pernyataan megawati soekarno putri,misalnya masalah TKI yang sering menimbulkan persoalan sepulang mereka di tanah air karna dianiaya majikan.

Moderator acara debat yang di pandu anies baswedan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada megawati apa yang dilakukan kepada TKI jika terpilih jadi presiden, megawati menjawab perlindungan kepada TKI harus diberikan dahulu di dalam negri melalui kontrak kerja yang jelas,karena perlindungan mereka setelah bekerja di luar negri sulit di lakukan.

Debat capres yang mungkin panas ternyata tidak. Megawati yang selalu memberi kritikan pedas dan sindiran pada pemerintahan sby-jk, kali ini mengiyakan apa yang di katakan capres sby juga jk.

Susilo bambang yudhoyono yang beberapa waktu yang lalu dalam pidato rapat besar membalas kritikan megawati, kali ini bersikap kalem,bahkan sby cuma mengiyakan capres megawati dan jusuf kalla, nyaris tidak ada perbedaan visi dan misi mereka mengatasi masalah-masalah pertanyaan yang di ajukan moderator.