Selasa, 22 September 2009

Cara Merawat Harddisk Komputer

Komputer merupakan barang yang harus di jaga perawatannya, sebagai barang yang membantu pekerjaan kita juga merawat secara extra agar kondisi komputer kita tetap terjaga. Salah satu yang yang mendapat perawatan maximum adalah tempat penyimpanan data harddisk.

Harddisk merupakan media penyimpanan yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk menyimpan data yang besar dan sangat dibutuhkan untuk menyimpan data-data penting yang kita simpan.
Berikut perawatan kepada harddisk:
perawatan terhadap terbagi menjadi 2, yaitu:
- Perawatan secara Fisik, contohnya adalah kita menjaga harddisk dari panas berlebihan, dapat merusak harddisk dan menyebabkan umur harddisk menjadi lebih cepat rusak.

- Perawatan Software, perawatan ini yang digunakan adalah dengan scandisk dan defrag.
Scandisk adalah untuk menghindari dari bad sektor defrag adalah proses penyusunan data-data yang ada pada harddisk. Selain itu juga jangan terlalu sering menginstal komputer atau memformat drive karena itu juga dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada harddisk.

Walaupun sudah ada software-software yang bisa mengembalikan data data yang sudah terhapus, tapi alangkah baiknya kalau kita dari awal telah mencegahnya terlebih dahulu sehingga hal demikian tidak akan terjadi..seperti kata pepatah, sedia payung sebelum hujan..

Cara cara yang kita lakukan untuk mencegahnya adalah dengan melakukan perawatan pada harddisk..adapun caranya berikut ini:

1. Usahakan untuk selalu melakukan backup data yang penting.

2. Gunakan scandisk untuk mengecek apakah ada batsector di dalam harddisk.

3. Selalu lakukan Defragment 2 minggu sekali agar data data di dalam harddisk selalu tersusun rapi.

4. Gunakan software pihak ketiga untuk membersihkan unk file, duplikat file, dan recycle byn..anda bisa menggunakan System Cleaner.

5. Jangan terlalu sering mencabut dan memasang kembali harddisk ke dalam CPU.. Karena Harddisk sangat sensitif. Jika terkena goncangan, maka data data didalam harddisk terancam hilang.

6. Jangan menyimpan data terlampau banyak. Maksudnya jangan sampai free harddisk sampai tinggal beberapa kylobyte..tapi berilah ruang sedikit agar harddisk tidak terlalu sesak setidaknya sisakan sekitar 20 MB. apabila anda menggunakan OS Windows biasanya akan muncul warning jika harddisk kita terlampau penuh.

7. Uninstall program-program yang tidak berguna agar tidak memberatkan harddisk.

8. Pakailah UPS atau Stavolt..Gunanya jika kita menggunakan UPS adalah apabila sewaktu kita sedang menggunakan komputer tiba-tiba listrik padam, komputer tidak akan langsung mati. Jadi kita bisa menyimpan dult data baru dimatikan. Komputer yang tiba-tiba mati tanpa di shutdown terlebih dahulu akan membuat harddisk cepat rusak.

9. Ventilasi yang cukup..jangan meletakkan CPU ditempat yang terlalu sesak atau sempit..karena bisa membuat udara tidak bisa keluar sehingga menyebabkan harddisk menjadi cepat panas. Jadi sebaiknya pilih CPU yang memiliki banyak kipas dan tempatkan ditempat yang agak luas..

Demikian beberapa tip agar komponen vital komputer tetap tahan lama dan tidak mudah rusak, dan harddisk akan terawat dengan baik sehingga data-data penting yang ada di dalamnya tidak hilang.

Senin, 14 September 2009

The Spread of Influenza Viruses Infection

This viruses can be transmitted through air or contact with food, drink, and touch. However, this viruses will die in high temperatures. Therefore, meat eggs, and animals should be thoroughly cooked to avoid infection. Personal hygiene should be maintained pule by washing hands with antiseptic, to avoid the viruses.

Avian influenza is an infection caused by avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. These influenza viruses occur naturally among birds. Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in their intestines, but usually do not get sick from them. However, avian influenza is very contagious among birds and can make some domesticated birds, including chickens, ducks, and turkeys, very sick and kill them.

Infected birds shed influenza virus in their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. Susceptible birds become infected when they have contact with contamined secretions or excretions or with from infected birds. Domesticated birds may become infected with avian influenza virus through direct contact with infected waterfowl or other infected poultry, or through contact with surfaces (such as dirt or cages) or materials (such as water or feed) that have been contamined with the virus.

Infection with avian influenza viruses in domestic poultry causes two main forms of disease that are distinguished by low and high extremes of virulence. The a€celow pathogenica€ from may go undected and usually causes only mild symptoms (such as ruffled feathers and a drop in egg production). However, the highly pathogenic from spreads more rapidly through flock of poultry. This form may cause disease that affects multiple internal organs and has a mortality rate that can reach 90-100% often within 48 hours.

Human infection with avian influenza viruses

There are many different subtypes of type A influenza viruses. These subtypes differ because of changes in certain proteins on the surface of the influenza A virus (hemagglutinin [HA] and neuraminidase [NA] proteins). There are 16 known HA subtypes of influenze A viruses. Many different combinations of HA and NA proteins are possible. Each combination represent a different subtypes. All known subtypes of influenza A viruses can be found in birds.

Usually, a€ceavian influenza virusa€ refers to influenza A viruses found chiefly in birds, but infections with these viruses can occur in humans. The risk from avian influenza is generally low to most people, because the viruses do not usually infect humans. However, confirmed cases of human infection from several subtypes of avian influenza infection have been reported since 1997. Most cases of avian influenza infection in humans have resulted from contact with infected poultry (e.g., domesticated chicken, ducks, and turkeys) or surfaces contamined with secretion/excretions from infected birds. The spread of avian influenza viruses from one ill person to another has been reported very rarely, and transmission has not been observed to continue beyond one person.

a€ceHuman influenza virusa€ usually refers to those subtypes that spread widely among humans. There are only three known A subtypes of influenza viruses (H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2) currently circulating among humans. It is likely that some genetic parts of current human influenza A viruses came from birds originally. Influenza A viruses are constantly changing, and they might adapt over time to infect and spread among humans.

Rabu, 09 September 2009

Known Types of Email

During this course, you already know the type of email Service, namely POP mail, email forwarding and web-based email. Each type of these emails have certain advantages POP Mail, Email This is the same type of email and received from your ISP (for those of you who connect the internet from home or office).

Determining which features of email are the most important for your business or company will allow you to make a much more informed decision when it comes to choosing a service provider for your email needs.
Here is a look at some of the most important features that your email service provider should offer in order for your company to benefit.

- Quality Virus and Spam Filtering. Because as much as 95% of the email floating around is junk mail or spam, having a quality filter to protect againts spam and virus-laden email is vitally important for your business. Your email service provider should have experience handling potential threats and solid filter for removing them.

- Web mail, POP and IMAP Access. Reputable email service providers will offer all three of the most common methods of accesing email, which are POP access, IMAP access and Web mail access.

- Technical Support Live - If your employees need to be able to speak to a real person for the purpose of technical support, then working with an email service provider that offers live support is vitally important.

- Email forwarding. Email forwarders can be used to send email to another account for an original account. Email forwarders should be capable of being set up for common misspellings of names, for generic departmental emails and if an employee leaves the company and would like to have their email messages forwarded to a new account for example.

- Email Groups. Email groups are collections of user accounts that receive email messages from common email accounts. Email groups can be used to send department wide announcements, to send support emails and to reach out to groups of employees working on special projects.

- Domain Mirrors. Domain mirrors are designed to be set up so that they automatically sync emails with matching user names even when the domain names are different. In other words, and can be mirrored to one another. This
will allow you to use domain names that have different websites and also to make use of common misspellings for a primary domain.

- There are important features for your emails but It is important to know for our experience in technology of the internet.

Kamis, 03 September 2009

Get Started Creating Professional Website

Growth of internet users with rapid, almost all the necessary information is now available on the internet. Ranging from educational nature of information to the news information. The need for society to higher and higher internet must also be balanced with a website that can provide the required information, make your website must be prepared properly and professionally to produce a quality website.

If you are in a place where you want to get more out of your website and if you want to present a more professional front to the people that you work with, you'll find that one of the most valuable things that you can do is to invest in getting a dedicated hosting server that is right for you.

This is something that can help you get the most out of your website, and at the end of the day, you'll find that there are many advantages. Not only will
you be able to have more freedom with what the amount of bandwidth that you can work with, you'll also find that this gives you a great deal more credibility when it comes to the face that you present to your customers.

When you are looking into choosing the right server hardware, though, you may find that you are at something of a loss. There are plenty of horror stories out there about bad scripts, bad codes and overload, and you of course want to make sure that you avoid them at all costs! However, you'll find that if you start off with a good foundation, that is, if you choose hardware that is going to put your site and your web interface where it needs to be, you'll find that you are going to be fine.

The first thing that you shoukd keep in mind when you are looking to get server hardware that is right for you is that you need to think about the processor that you need. Your choice of processor will be largely based around the amount of memory that you need, how large the hard drive is, and what kind of firewall options you need to think about.
This can be a highly individual issue, and at the end of the day, you will find that the more research you do into figuring out what kind of processor you need, the better off you are going to be.

There is a lot to be said about what brand of processor you should buy, and it seems like everyone has an opinion. Many people will state that a Pentium 4 processor will perform better than Celeron if there are many powerful applications being held. Pentium has a larger cache, but you will also find that Xeons and AMA can be quite powerful as well.

Second, consider your hard disk. Remember that if you are purchasing a hard disk for your server that sooner or later, it will fail if it fails sooner rather than later, you could be in some serious trouble, so make sure that you have second hard disk available for backups.

This is why many companies decide that they want to look into offsite backup, which can give them a lot of safety when it comes to making sure that they will not lose too much information in the case of catastrophic failure.