Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

Health care workers againts

Employees of a company's health is something that should be in the note, by all parties, the management company must also participate in the cost for the employee if the current sick. Concern for employees of the company will improve the performance of employees, so health workers need to be conscious that the company can maintain the business.

Increasing evidence supports the need for workplace wellness programs and more companies than ever are implementing health and wellness strategies to reduce injuries, halth care costs and long-term disability.

With additional benefits such as reduced absenteeism, higher productivity, reduced use of health care benefits and increased morale and loyalty, its not surprising more and more employers are choosing to implement workplace wellness programs within their companies.

Preventable illness makes up approximately 80% of the burden of illnesses and 90% of all health care costs. Employers are beginning to realize they can take advantage of this statistic and work to provide service to decrease the occurence of those
preventable diseases.

Despite the United States spending more on health cara than any other industrialized nation in the world, it remains the unhealthiest. With increased research and data on workplace wellness programs, it is becoming apparent there are very real benefits to implementing workplace wellness programs.

Did you know employee wellness is considered a potential high return on investment for employers due to rising health care costs? In fact, research now suggests employers get an average of $3.48 back in reduced health care cost and $5.82 in lower absenteeism cost for every dollar spent on employee wellness. Employers who live more healthy lifestyles have reduced sick leave, improved work performance, decrease health insurance costs, increased productifity and reduced overall costs.

There are many real benefits to worplace wellness programs. There is increasing evidence to support implementing of programs in all types of companies and businesses, big or small.

The wellness proposals website is designed to provide you with different types of informatim on workplace wellness programs...from statistics to benefits, even resource toolkits to help get you started on your own program! If you are a small employer who already has a workplace wellness program in place, then I'm sure you'll find many useful items to enhance your existing workplace wellness program!

Escalating health care costs continue to remain an issue of great concern for many health professionals, employers and insurance companis. While the United States spends more on health care than any other industrialized nation in the world, its citizens are not the healthiest, in many respects.

Employees with more risk factors, including being overweight, smooking and having diabetes not only cost more insure, they also pay more for health care than individuals with less risk factors.

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